PLA Petit Cog Spake Thread


Everline PLA COG Poly-L-Lactic-Acid thread | PLLA COG Thread Lift

Everline PLA is using a safe substance PLLA approved by US FDA. Everline PLA petit is barbed thin threads inserted into thin needle. PLLA(Poly L-Lactice Acid) sitmulates the production of collagen so that the skin is strengthened. PLLA has higher tension than PDO, so it can maintain the lifting effect for a long time.


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Everline PLA COG Poly-L-Lactic-Acid thread | PLLA COG Thread Lift

The key figure of Everline PLA Cog Poly-L-Lactic-Acid Thread is barbed thin threads inserted into thin needle. It gives practioners more convenient and easier tool to do lifting procedure with threads.

26G 360 Spial Cog is a uni-directional barbed thread. Doctor gently presses the skin in direction of desired lift and then inserts 26G 360 Spiral Cog beneath skin surface for firm fixation. PLLA petit is used for sagging skin in narrow area such as crow’s feet, eye brows, nasolabial fold. It attaches the skin tissue and pulls back to lift tightly.

26G 38MM  20pc/BAG

26G 60MM  20pc/BAG